14 Motivation Tips for Weight Loss Success

We all get bogged down with daily life chores. We all have the best of intentions to keep pushing through our fitness journey, but sometimes road blocks get in the way. We have complied a short list of things to help you push through the rough patches and set yourself up for success.
1. Set attainable goals. Years and a billion years ago when I did Weight Watchers, that was one of the first things we did. We had a goal of 10%. For most people that was at max 15-20 lbs. There wasn't necessarily a timeframe on it, but it was a goal. Set yourself an attainable goal. Do you have 50+ pounds to lose? It's ok. Start by setting a 15 lb goal. Then when you reach that goal, set your next one.
2. Set a reward for reaching your goals. Do you have a reunion or party to attend a few months from now? Set your goal (i.e. 15 lbs) then set your reward -- A NEW DRESS FOR THE PARTY! You'll be surprised at how you'll want to stick to that goal.
3. Don't tempt yourself by putting your "trigger" foods in the house. Do you have an ice cream problem? Yes? Then don't keep it in the house, period. You'll be more likely to say, "I'll just have this one bite . . . " and we all know how that turns out for most of us.
4. Chart your accomplishments. Keep a calendar and jot down any new feats or accomplishments! Did you run your first mile? WRITE IT DOWN! Did you opt for the kale salad instead of fries? WRITE IT DOWN! Make yourself feel good about NSVs! (non-scale victories)
5. Find a workout buddy. We all know things are easier with those that support you.
6. Start your day with warm lemon water. Helps digestion, great for your skin, kick starts your metabolism . . . I could go on and on.
7. Measure and take photos! Don't rely on your scale to chart your progress. Take photos and measure. You'll be surprised at what you see!
8. Don't weigh daily. I admit it, I used to be one of these people. Get up in the morning, and hop on the scale, then get bummed when I didn't lose any weight in my sleep. Ha. We laugh, but we've done it. DON'T. You can be 5'2", 140lbs, and a size 2 if you're muscle. The scale tells you NOTHING. Rely on how you look and feel in your clothes. Yes, when we lose weight, we get smaller -- just don't screw with your mind and weigh daily. At most, once a week, at the same time of day.
9. Don't keep your "fat" clothes. If you don't have anything to wear, you are more likely to push yourself harder to stay on track.
10. Drink your water! At least 100oz per day, then another 20 oz on workout days! Hydration is so important to your system, your skin, everything!
11. Ask yourself how you will feel later, if you do xyz. Question if that doughnut is really WORTH it. If you know you will have regret and feel terrible about yourself, then DON'T DO IT!
12. Track your food! Use myfitnesspal or something like it (even a paper journal) and track what you eat! You bite it, you write it! This method will surprise you to see how much you are really taking in! That bagel you thought was healthy -- nope. 400 calories.
13. It's a marathon, not a 5k. Remind yourself daily that this will take time! This isn't something that will happen overnight!
14. Don't give up. Motivation, will power, and mental focus are so important! Even when you're having a bad day, an emotional time, or just feel bummed - exercise will make you feel better! Sweat it out, call a friend, do some yoga . . . just don't give up!